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Almost 50% of all dads have Father’s Day gifts they have never used or worn
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- 30 August 2018
Dads are arguably the hardest family member to buy presents for, and almost 66% of them say their children have wasted money on gifts they don’t want.
In addition, research shows that almost 50% of all dads have Father’s Day gifts they have never used or worn, with 77% preferring to see the money going to social or environmental causes instead.
This Sunday, Australian dads will receive Father’s Day gifts worth $65 on average. Gifts are often purchased in a last-minute rush the day before and many aren’t proud about what they buy, which means they often give clichéd gift such as socks, ties, sporting equipment or personal care items that often go unused.
Many of these unused and unwanted gifts end up in landfill.
So why not ditch the socks and jocks in favour of a donation to help improve Australia’s oral and dental health? In doing so, you’ll help create a better future for generations to come.