Health Promoting Practices project

Dr Hayes’ presentation at the IADR General Meeting in San Francisco last month was well received.Read more...

Body dysmorphic disorder in prosthodontics

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a psychiatric condition characterised by an excessive preoccupation with a slight or imagined defect with some aspect of physical appearance.Read more...

The eviDent Foundation has continued to support the work of the pilot Children’s Dental Program completed in 2013. Early results show that an outreach school-based dental check-up program could improve access to dental services for children with public dental services. Following an economic evaluation completed in 2015, the project outcomes have demonstrated that the outreach program was less costly and more clinically effective than standard care.Read more...

Rain, hail, thunder, lightning, wind, snow, river crossings, leeches, snakes, dodgy knees and a chest infection…the eviDent Australian Alpine Walking Track Challenge was gruelling, but incredibly rewarding!Read more...